Sobre | About
Oeiras, 1984. Formada em Psicologia Aplicada, área Clínica e tendo-se especializado, mais tarde, na Gestão de Recursos Humanos. Após treze anos enquanto profissional de RH, deixou a vida de corporativa para trás para passar a dedicar-se exclusivamente à fotografia.
Através de fotografia e de filme procura trabalhar questões sociais e psicológicas. Interessa-se em compreender de que forma é que estes meios podem ser uma ferramenta de ligação e de compreensão entre pessoas e relações sociais, e de que forma é que podem ter um lugar de voz em questões políticas. Temas como identidade, género e identidade de género têm sido abordadas em projectos como ATLETA, QUEENS e Disse Fêmea.
O seu trabalho já foi exposto nos Maus Hábitos, Porto (2023) e na XXIII Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cerveira (2024).
Recebeu apoio do Programa de Apoio a Projectos da DGARTES - Artes Visuais 2023 para produzir o seu primeiro livro de fotografia KINGS & QUEENS.
Realizou a sua primeira curta-metragem documental na Guiné-Bissau, intitulada CONTRA A MARÉ (2024).
Frequentou o Master em Fotografia Artística no IPCI (Instituto de Produção Cultural e Imagem), a Masterclass Narrativa 2022/2023 e actualmente a frequentar o Mestrado de Antropologia, especialização em Culturas Visuais, na Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (2024/2026).
Oeiras, 1984. Graduated in Applied Psychology, Clinical area and later specializing in Human Resources Management. After thirteen years working as a HR professional, she left the office setting behind to dedicate herself exclusively to photography, having sought to continually invest in her training.
Works on social and psychological issues through photography and film. She is interested in understanding how these mediums - never isolated from the social, economic and cultural context in which the work is made - can be a tool for connecting and understanding people and social relationships, and whether it can have a place of voice in political issues. Themes such as identity, gender and gender identity have been addressed in projects such as ATLETA, QUEENS and Disse Fêmea.
Her work has already been exhibited in Maus Hábitos, Porto (2023) and XXIII Cerveira International Art Biennale (2024).
Has received support from the DGARTES Project Support Program - Visual Arts 2023 to produce her first photography book KINGS & QUEENS.
Has directed a short documentary in Guinea-Bissau called CONTRA A MARÉ (2024).
Has attended the Master in Artistic Photography at IPCI (Instituto de Produção Cultural e Imagem), the Masterclass Narrativa 2022/2023 and is now enrolled in the Master’s degree in Anthropology, specializing in Visual Cultures (2024/2026), at the School of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon.
Exposições | Exhibitions
QUEENS - Saatchi Gallery, London | 05.08 - 16.09
Selected to be part of the collective International Photography Exhibition 166 from The Royal Photographic Society.
QUEENS - m|i|mo - Museu da Imagem em Movimento, Leiria | 22.03 - 25.05
RETROSPECTIVA - Masterclass Narrativa 2018-2024
4.ª Edition Photography Month at Barreiro | Auditório Municipal Augusto Cabrita
OMNIS Collective Exhibition | Narrativa | Lisboa | 04.11 - 16.12
Inês Ventura, Maria Beatriz de Vilhena, Rodrigo Vargas, Francisco Romão Pereira and Mário Cruz present Narrativa's first collective project, whose exploratory scenario is World Youth Day, which took place in Lisbon from August 1st to 6th.
QUEENS - Narrativa | Lisboa | 04.03 - 15.04
Collective exhibition of the 4th edition of the Masterclass Narrativa 22/23, led by photographer Mário Cruz, together with authors Bruno Saavedra, João Santos, Rui Costa, Rui Soares and Teresa Ribeiro
Povo que Canta had a winning image in the POSTER MOSTRA OPEN CALL, which was exhibited in the streets of Marvila together with other artists.
A project developed during the Artist Residency in the Algarve, supervised by Pauliana Valente Pimentel, was exhibited at the end of the Residency.
MUNDANO | Casa Independente | Lisboa
Project exhibited at Casa Independente as part of the Intendente Photographic Narratives, led by Pauliana Valente Pimentel.
Exibições | Screenings
CONTRA A MARÉ, Unidade Escolar Amílcar Cabral, Bolama, 04.02
CONTRA A MARÉ, Centro Cultural Português, Bissau, 31.01
CONTRA A MARÉ, Casa Independente, Lisboa, 12.12
CONTRA A MARÉ, Academia FUJIFILM, Vila Nova de Gaia, 18.11
CONTRA A MARÉ, Cinema Fernando Lopes, Lisboa, 27.10
CONTRA A MARÉ, Casa dos Direitos, Bissau, 27.09
Prémios | Bolsas /// Awards | Grants
Filmmaking Lab, from UnionDocs | DocLisboa 2024
Selected for Emergentes Portfolio Reviews at Encontros da Imagem - International Photography and Visual Arts Festival, Braga
DGARTES Project Support Program - Visual Arts 2023 to produce her first photography book KINGS & QUEENS.
Fellow at the Workshop Follow Your Intuition with Bieke Depoorter and Newsha Tavakolian | MAGNUM PHOTOS
Publicações | Books
Self-publishing of photography book KINGS & QUEENS - under editing/production
Project Support Program - Visual Arts 2023 DGARTES
OMNIS | Narrativa’s first publication as a photo collective featuring the works of Inês Ventura, Maria Beatriz de Vilhena, Rodrigo Vargas, Francisco Romão Pereira and Mário Cruz
Conversas | Talks
I'm not everything I want to be | Cinema Fernando Lopes | 14.12
Moderated the conversation between the director Klára Tasovská, the photographer Libuše Jarcovjáková and the producer Lukas Kokas.
Talk with the authors of the 4th Edition of Masterclass Narrativa | 14.04
Look! At the Artists | Talk with Inês Ventura, Luísa Ferreira and Sandra Valle, moderated by Susana Paiva, about women in photography | IPCI Lisboa | 30.03
Educação | Education
Master’s degree in Anthropology, specializing in Visual Cultures (2024/2026) | Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas | Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Masterclass Narrativa (2022/2023), led by Mário Cruz | NARRATIVA
Master in Artistic Photography (2021/2022) | IPCI, Instituto de Produção Cultural e Imagem
Artistic Residency, with Pauliana Valente Pimentel
Intendente’s Photographic Narratives, led by Pauliana Valente Pimentel
Photography course (2018/2019) | RESTART
CAE level certificate (C1 or Advanced) through Cambridge English Language Assessment exams | British Council, Lisbon
Master degree in Human Resources Management (2008/2011) | ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
Degree in Applied Psychology, Clinical area (2002/2008) | ISPA - Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada
Imprensa | Press